The Covid-19 pandemic demands us to adapt in all fields, including education. However, how does this adaptation work? Is there anything left inside adapt? Before that, let’s see, has this adaptation gone well?

Forum Kajian Pembangunan (FKP) (Development Studies Forum) highlights the implementation of Learning From Home (BDR) in Indonesia which has been running since last March. BDR was initiated pursuant to Circular Letter of the Minister of Education and Culture No. 4 of 2020 concerning the Implementation of Education Policies during COVID-19 State of Emergency. Discussing the topic of “Learning From Home: Is It Inclusive?”, FKP INSPIRASI Foundation, INOVASI, and the Ministry of Education and Culture are to see if the implementation of BDR has guaranteed learning opportunities for all students in Indonesia.

Research result conducted by the Ministry of Education and Culture indicates that 96.6% of learning is conducted at home, 3.3% are conducted alternately (home and school), and 0.1% is completely conducted at school. Most students living in 3T zone conducting the learning process at home. In accordance with INOVASI study, the majority of schools in NTT, NTB, North Kalimantan and East Java conduct an offline learning. The adjustment of BDR implementation is influenced by affordability of time, facilities, and quality of resources.

The Ministry of Education and Culture strives to support the implementation of BDR by providing free online learning applications for non-3T areas and lending books for students in 3T locations. In school scope, INSPIRASI review indicates that school principals may re-alocate their resources for BDR effectiveness. For example, cutting the budget for non-urgent needs and allocating it for teacher salaries, transportation expenses to visit students with limited internet facilities, and internet data package purchase for teachers.

Irsyad Zamjani, the Acting Head of Research Center at the Ministry of Education and Culture sadi that most parents assist BDR at all levels from elementary to high school by motivating and monitoring the learning outcomes. Therefore, an effective communication between the school and parents is the key to success.

Survey of 827 school principals conducted by the INSPIRASI Foundation revealed that 60% of school principals have been able to communicate well with the parents. In addition, 74% of school principals have also been aware of the well-being of the students. The school principals give motivation for their students through videos and suppport the teachers to pay more attention to the mental/physical well-being of the students rather than just pursuing the curriculum only.

The implementation of BDR cannot be separated from various challenges. Cici, Program Director of INSPIRASI said that school principals of private schools really concern about the financial condition of schools during the pandemic. Meanwhile, based on INOVASI’s findings, some teachers in NTB and NTT chose not to give assignments during BDR. Therefore, students from vulnerable group living in remote areas, having low social status, and special needs are at high risk of being left behind in adaptation of BDR implementation.

Author: Dyah A Kusumaningrum

Editor: Masdar Fahmi