KARAWANG, Spirit – District Education Office for Youth and Sports (Disdikpora) Karawang Regency, through the Elementary School Education (PSD) Division continues to actively improve the quality of school principals’ leadership in Karawang Regency, West Java.

Collaborating with INSPIRASI (Educational Leadership Initiative to Accomplish Achievement) which is a non-profit and independent organization, the PSD Division is consistently running the INSPIRASI program by regularly conducting leadership training for school principals through workshops followed by on the job learning at school.

The latest, PSD Division and INSPIRASI, conducted the fifth workshop reviewingRPP (Lesson Plan) at Resinda Hotel Karawang, 15-16 January 2020.

In addition to other 40 participants, consist of 20 school principals and 20 teachers from 20 elementary school (SD), there were 10 other participants attending the workshop that consist of 5 madrasah principals and 5 teachers from 5 madrasah ibtidaiyah / Islamic elementary school (MI) under the Ministry of Religion Office of Karawang Regency. 

“Since INSPIRASI program was inaugurated in July last year (2019) by the Regent of Karawang until the middle of January, there has been 5 workshops conducted. All participants from elementary schools and MI came from Klari and Lemahabang Districts,” said Head of PSD Division, Dra. Yani Heryani, MM, accompanied by Head of Curriculum, Student and Workforce, Dr. Mulyana Surya Atmaja, Thursday (01/16/2020).

Yani mentioned that since the school principal’s main role was no longer concurrently as a teacher but as school manager, the quality of the principal’s leadership should be improved. This is in accordance with central government policy as stipulated in the Ministry of Education and Culture Regulation number 6 of 2018 concerning the assignment of teachers as principals.

“With a good and effective school principal’s leadership, the quality of learning outcomes of the students will improve. Hopefully, those principals attending the training program will get better in designing and implementing  learning program at their respective schools. We also hope that in the future there will be more involved schools in Karawang participating in this training program so that schools in Karawang are more qualified,” she said.

INSPIRASI’s Executive Director, Patrya Pratama explained that INSPIRASI program will be implemented for 1.5 years from July 2019 to December 2020 by conducting 12 trainings through workshops followed by on the job learning in schools and madrasah.

“Karawang is a pilot area of INSPIRASI program. The training material is focusing on the leadership skills needed by school and madrasah principals in order for them to perform their task more effectively,” he explained.

It should be mentioned that INSPIRASI Foundation is supported by the following partners or donors: Tanoto Foundation, Resinda Hotel Karawang, PT. Bukit Muria Jaya (BMJ), Asia Philanthropy Circle (APC) and Triputra Agro Persada, which are part of the GSL (Global School Leaders) network.

Principal of SDN Duren III, Nunung Maryani, said she was grateful for INSPIRASI program. According to her, leadership training is very beneficial for school principals and madrasah involved in improving the quality of education in schools and madrasah.

“Hopefully by attending this program, our school can be more successful, the teachers will be more encouraged, and the students will be more active and effective in learning process. Hence, in the future our school can schieve more,” she hoped. (ayi/dea)

This article was published on Spirit Jawa Barat on the link https://spiritjawabarat.com/bekerjasama-dengan-lembaga-inspirasi-bidang-psd-disdikpora-aktif-tingkatkan-kepemimpinan-kepala-sekolah/

With title “INSPIRASI for Solution”, written by Ayi