About a year ago, July 18th 2019, The launch of INSPIRASI Pilot Program Phase 1 was held. Time surely flies witnessing the program that has been running for a year. Along with the Education, Youth and Sports Agency (Disdikpora) and Head of Local Religion Office of Karawang Regency, INSPIRASI Foundation is implementing a leadership development program for School Principals.

On July 7th 2020, INSPIRASI launched the Pilot Program Phase 2, Capacity Building for School Principals through K3S. The approach on this program phase 2 is different to the previous program, however, it aims the same goal: to improve learning quality through capacity building of school principal. The approach we chose for this program is participating and developing the K3S (School Principal Working Group) organization.

K3S is regarded as the most strategic organization to involve in improving school principal’s leadership since it can be a forum to share issues and find solutions collaboratively. Therefore, fellow principals and supervisors involved can independently implement the ideas and problem solving strategies without having to rely on any external parties. We believe that by improving these local actors, it will be easier to achieve the mutual goals.

The commencement of INSPIRASI Pilot Program Phase 2 is officially announced by the Head of Education, Youth and Sports Agency of Karawang Regency, Drs. H. Asep Junaedi, M.Pd. This activity is also attended by K3S Committees, Supervisors, and Local Coordinators from 3 Districts within INSPIRASI working area: Pakisjaya, Majalaya, and Ciampel.

Working Area of INSPIRASI Pilot Program Phase 2

Gambar 1. Submission of SK INSPIRASI Pilot Program Level 2 to the Supervisor of Karawang Regency

This pilot program phase 2 targets more school principals from 3 districts in Karawang Regency, which are 57 school principals; they are: 22 school principals from North Karawang which is Pakisjaya, 18 school principals from central part or Majalaya, and 17 school principals from the South part or Ciampel. The three districts becomes the designated working area based on their K3S committee’s and supervisor’s competency; area distribution; proportion of school, K3S supervisor and committee; as well as consideration from Disdikpora of Karawang Regency. 

How is the current program implemented in this phase 2?

The main goal of this INSPIRASI pilot program phase 2 is to improve learning quality through the development of K3S. What would be the approach? INSPIRASI develops K3S by designing and implementing the program based on the needs of school principal in order to improve student’s learning quality as illustrated below:

Gambae 2. Overview of the Stage 2 INSPIRASI Program System

In one working area, INSPIRASI Program Manager (PM) will be in charge along with K3S supervisor and committee. INSPIRASI will encourage the K3S supervisor and committee to become facilitator in K3S events during the ongoing one year program period, July 2020 until June 2021.

The main duty of Program Manager is to be a facilitator, mentor, and technical assistance provider such as searhing for learning resources. Whereas the role of supervisor (local coordinator) is as a facilitator in K3S event and a partner for school principal in implementing K3S activity plan. Meanwhile, K3S committee plays role as facilitator during K3S event and to facilitate operational needs during the K3S activity. 

The main activities of this program are workshop and mentorship consisting of preparation workshop to become a facilitator which is participated by K3S supervisor and committee, problem solving workshop which will be participated by all school principals from 3 districts, as well as facilitating or mentoring all school principals in their respective schools by supervisor and INSPIRASI PM

Author : Nur Cahaya

Editor              : Masdar Fahmi