3 Most Essential Things in INSPIRASI Pilot Program Phase 2
INSPIRASI starts its pilot program again. In this second phase, the program focuses on increasing the capacity of school principals in developing the learning quality, through K3S development (School Principal Working Group). Hereby, we believe that an effective school leadership determines the achievement of the learning improvement result.
The program was officially announced on 7 July 2020 by the Head of Education, Youth and Sports Agency (Disdikpora), Drs. H. Asep Junaedi, M.Pd at Resinda Hotel Karawang. The announcement was attended by INSPIRASI Partners, namely representatives of K3S supervisors and committees from Pakisjaya, Majalaya, and Ciampel sub-districts.
There are three most essential things in this INSPIRASI pilot program phase 2.
1. Problem Solving Workshop Focus on Learning in Schools
In supporting the achievement of the program, a workshop (training balanced with on the job learning) and mentorship for school principals will be the main activities during the program. Such activities are implemented in several phases consisting of preparatory workshop for the facilitators (K3S supervisors and committees), main workshop which is the problem solving for school principals or K3S members, mentorship for school principals in their respective schools, and program evaluation. The preparatory workshop aims to develop capacity of K3S supervisors and committees in developing an organization. Some of the prepared materials cover the how-to: plan a program based on required need, become an effective facilitator, communicate more effectively, familiarize reflective session at the end of each activity, document the activity, and monitor and evaluate.
The problem solving workshop aims to develop school principals capacity in developing learning quality, particularly regarding teacher’s teaching practice. In general, the workshop materials will be delivered in 3 phases: program planning (requirement identification, resources mapping, and organizational agreement), problem solving (looking fo rsolution for each challenge and soft skills reinforcement), and reflecting (process/material reflection, result/impact evaluation, and future requirement planning).
In addition, we also provide assistance to school principals in implementing post-workshop activity plans in the field. We help them reflecting and documenting their activities that will and have been carried out, what are the actions that have been put into practice? Is it successful already? What changes have occurred? What different things will be done in the future?
1. K3S Supervisor and Committee as The Main Actor
This pilot program phase 2 targets more school principals from 3 sub-districts, which are 57 school principals: 22 principals are from Pakisjaya (northern Karawang), 18 principals are from Majalaya (central), and 17 principals from Ciampel (southern). The three sub-districs were selected based on the competence of K3S supervisor and committee; area distribution; proportion of the number of schools, K3S supervisor and committee; as well as considerations from the Karawang District Education, Youth and Sports Agency (Disdikpora). The K3S supervisor and committee in each sub-district will be the main actors to implement the program. The role of the supervisor is as a facilitator in every K3S activity and a mentor for school principals in their respective schools. Meanwhile, K3S committee acts as facilitator in K3S activities and operational provider for the activities. In performing their roles, they will partner with Program Manager of INSPIRASI Foundation.
INSPIRASI encourages these actors to become active facilitator and initiator for the sake of K3S progress. The actors are expected to be able to become a catalyst for other K3S members so that the organization can transform into an effective community of practitioners. Therefore, the program will be implemented sustainably due to the active involvement of local actors.
2. Development of K3S as a Community of Practitioners
K3S is a strategic organization to develop the competence of school principals. K3S is also known as the MKKS or School Principal Work Forum. The professional organization is also a place to share best practices or valuable experiences while performing their duties as the school principal.
INSPIRASI encourages K3S to become a true community of practitioners. The practitioner community is a community with individuals who have mutual identity/interest and gather to discuss particular topic or problem solving practice. We believe that building a community of practitioners in K3S can develop the sustainable capacity of school principals.
The practitioner community has 3 main inherent characteristics. First, the relationship between the members is solid because of the regular intensity of interaction. Second, it has mutual problem and finds a solution collaboratively. Third, it creates collective programs and identifies resources based on the mutual needs.
Author: Masdar Fahmi