INSPIRASI was chosen to represent Indonesia in the TOP 5 AVPN Constellations 2020. This award awarded the best collaborative initiatives seeking to solve today’s complex problems innovatively with 4 distinguished judge panels from the MacArthur Foundation, UNDR Global Center, Hewlett Foundation and Social Ventures Hong Kong.

INSPIRASI is considered as an example of how a multi-stakeholder collaboration philanthropy, corporate giving, research, and the government working together to build the initiative, improving one of the key issue in education: school leadershipThey are the Tanoto Foundation, Triputra Agro Persada, PT Bukit Muria Jaya, Resinda Hotel Karawang, as well as the Ministry of Education and Culture, Karawang Local Government, and SMERU Research Institute.

AVPN is an ecosystem platform aiming to build collaboration for more support and investment that will be distributed for social impact programs. The networking members that have been built reach more than 600 institutions throughout 34 countries in Asia.

This award for INSPIRASI shows that cross-sector collaboration is still required to deal with school leadership issue. As an illustration, INSPIRASI helps to improve school principals in the regions, where corporate collaborators have their business so as to combine the business and social-development goals.

INSPIRASI is a proof that philanthropic institutions and corporations can work side by side together. Through a variety of international best practice approaches (Global School Leaders network), INSPIRASI is a program that emphasizes evidence-based. This cross-sector collaboration also offers a strategic position when it comes to government policy advocacy, both the local and central government.

In additon to INSPIRASI, there are 4 other initiatives that were awarded the AVPN Constellations 2020, the Better Investment for Stunting Alleviation (CAN) (Indonesia), Quality India Education Development Impact Bond (India), an initiative Artificial Intelligence (India), and The Future Right Skills Network (India). More details please visit

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